Brazil Archives - Global Studies Global Studies at Aarhus University Mon, 15 Apr 2024 17:04:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Brazil Archives - Global Studies 32 32 60 Years after the Military Coup: A Critical Remembering of Military Rule in Brazil Mon, 15 Apr 2024 16:57:43 +0000 The event provided an opportunity for collective reflection on Brazil's military dictatorship.

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60 Years after the Military Coup

A Critical Remembering of Military Rule in Brazil

The event “60 Years after the Military Coup: A Critical Remembering of Military Rule in Brazil,” organized on 14 March by our Brazilian Studies program, provided an opportunity for collective reflection on Brazil’s military dictatorship.

The contemporary importance of memory was explored through Rebecca Atencio’s (Tulane University) analysis. Paulo Santos Lopes and Rildete Alves Rodrigues shared their life stories as Brazilian citizens, offering insights into the brutality of the dictatorship and their experiences of exile in Denmark.

The event concluded with a performance by Laura Leite Drachmann, guiding the audience through the melodies of significant Brazilian songs.

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Brazilian Studies Research Colloquium Sat, 02 Dec 2023 13:17:26 +0000 Brazilian Studies Research Colloquium To start December with a great event, Brazil Studies hosted a wonderful research colloquium on Friday. Along with a joint lunch where everyone brought a delicious dish, we had the priviledge to listen to the following presentations: Clarissa Martins (Universidade Federal de São Carlos) – “In between: development, indigenous rights and […]

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Brazilian Studies

Research Colloquium

Brazilian research colloquium

To start December with a great event, Brazil Studies hosted a wonderful research colloquium on Friday.

Along with a joint lunch where everyone brought a delicious dish, we had the priviledge to listen to the following presentations:

Clarissa Martins (Universidade Federal de São Carlos) – “In between: development, indigenous rights and environmental crises”

Jonathan Mastai Husum (Aarhus University) – “Languages in movement: a cross-border tale about the uses of Spanish, Portuguese and Portunhol in the South American border areas”

Amalie Dyrup Berthelsen (Aarhus University) – “Stories from an internship with an NGO in Ceará, Brazil”

Thank you to Clarissa, Jonathan, and Amalie for sharing your research and experiences.

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Internship in Ceará Mon, 13 Nov 2023 18:08:46 +0000 Amalie, a Master's student of Global and Area Studies with a profile in Brazilian studies shares her internship experience in Ceará, Brazil.

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Internship in Ceará

By Amalie Berthelsen

Greetings from Ceará, Brazil!

My name is Amalie and I am currently a Master’s student at the programme Global Area Studies – with a profile in Brazilian Studies.

This fall I am doing an internship with the Danish-Brazilian NGO “Victory Association”, which is based in the countryside near Fortaleza working with children and women in the local community.

Amalie Internship

During October we conducted a project called Breath of Life Brazil together with a group of Danish artists and Brazilian partners, which ended out in an exhibition in a cultural center in Fortaleza.

It has consisted of creative workshops with the cearenses (people living in Ceará) – children, women. It also involved an institute working with mental health, a cultural center and an organization working with people on the streets. The focus in the workshops has been hopes and dreams, where the participants have had the chance to express their hopes and dreams through the arts and share a part of their story.

It has resulted in art full of stories, dreams and hopes which altogether made up the exhibition. So many stories from cearenses in different life situations.

It has been a very special time with a lot of insights, life stories and being the whisper in someone’s ear translating both language and culture, which has put my skill set from university into play. 

Abraços from Fortaleza,

See other postcards here:

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Third Annual EHJustice Conference Sat, 11 Nov 2023 13:16:54 +0000 On 3 November Georg Fischer from the GS Brazilian Studies program was joined by artist Silvia Noronha, anthropologist/writer Camila de Caux and sociologist Tereza Ventura to present a panel titled "Memory, grief, and transformation in Brazil's Iron Quadrangle: How to imagine post-extractivist worlds in a zone of sacrifice?" at the conference "Transformative Connections: Building Diverse Relations for a Just Green Transition" at Aalborg University, Campus Copenhagen

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Third Annual

EHJustice Conference

Annual EHJustice conference

On 3 November Georg Fischer from the GS Brazilian Studies programme was joined by artist Silvia Noronha, anthropologist/writer Camila de Caux and sociologist Tereza Ventura at the conference “Transformative Connections: Building Diverse Relations for a Just Green Transition” at Aalborg University, Campus Copenhagen. They presented a panel titled “Memory, grief, and transformation in Brazil’s Iron Quadrangle: How to imagine post-extractivist worlds in a zone of sacrifice?”. It was the final event of the DFF Network for Global Justice and the Environmental Humanities, a collaboration between AU’s Centre for Environmental Humanities, Roskilde University and Aalborg University.

Brazil’s Iron Quadrangle, a region encompassing a mountainous area in the state of Minas Gerais, has been a global supplier of iron ore for 80 years. It is the birthplace of one of the world’s largest mining corporations, Vale. Many of its “iron peaks” have been transformed into open-pit mines. Dotted with historic towns and villages dating back to the 18th-century gold economy, the Iron Quadrangle symbolizes Brazil’s integration into global cycles of extractivism and acceleration. The region gained notoriety with the tailings dam disasters of Mariana (2015) and Brumadinho (2018). Those events unveiled layers of invisibilized toxicity, injustice and externalized risks.

The panel opened a space for multidisciplinary reflection on grief, care, healing and transformation by bringing together historical research, ethnographic fieldwork, as well as literary and artistic engagements. How do we make meaning in post-collapse worlds? How are claims to justice connected with claims to memory? And how is life connected to territory and a territory that affords care even after the apocalypse?


  • Georg Fischer (Aarhus University): The Iron Quadrangle between Global Extractivism and National Development.
  • Camila de Caux (writer, artist, and ethnologist, São Paulo) (online): The Many Names of the Pico do Cauê, Itabira.
  • Silvia Noronha (artist, Berlin): Why stay rather than leave a contaminated area?
  • Tereza Ventura (Rio de Janeiro State University): Environmental In-Justice and the politics of Memorial Testimony.

You can read more on Conference page or check out the EHJustice webpage

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Guest Lecture: Memory Activism Wed, 01 Nov 2023 14:37:16 +0000 On November 1st, Tereza Ventura from Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro joined us to give a lecture on her work, titled “Memory activism and the deconstruction of the justice system: ‘no body, no law, no crime’”. She discussed the legal and societal implications of state violence, exemplified with the activism from the mothers against state violence. Thank you, Tereza, for your thought-provoking talk.

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Guest Lecture

on Memory Activism

Tereza Ventura Brazil Studies Lecture

On November 1st, we had the privilege of hosting Tereza Ventura from Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro.

Our guest delivered an insightful lecture on “Memory activism and the deconstruction of the justice system: ‘no body, no law, no crime’,” shedding light on the profound legal and societal implications of state violence. She drew upon powerful examples from the activism of mothers against state violence, emphasizing the urgency of this issue.

We thank Tereza for her thought-provoking talk, which left a lasting impact on our audience.

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Sharing Knowledge on Languages Fri, 13 Oct 2023 15:51:00 +0000 In September, Ana Paulla Braga Mattos presented about the community Kalunga, located in Goiás- Brazil at a PhD course, as well as a presentation on languages in Herning Library.

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Sharing Knowledge on Languages

Presentations by Ana Paulla Braga Mattos

Ana Paulla Braga Mattos PhD course presentation about Kalunga

Presentation at Herning Bibliotek


On September 26, Ana Paulla Braga Mattos from Brazilian Studies held a presentation for Europæisk sprogdag. She talked about the languages spoken (and signed) in today’s world. While we are losing many languages, they are dying dramatically; we are experiencing the expansion of some languages in different ways. Due to different reasons (colonization, economic crisis, natural disasters, wars, studies and jobs (multinational and multilingual companies)) people move and their languages move as well. As consequence, contact and internalization of languages become more frequent, and monolingual and bilingual societies, like the Danish society, experience multilingualism in everyday interactions.


At Aarhus University


At the PhD courseDoing sociolinguistic research. Dialects and languages in contact(12 Oct – 13 Oct), organized by Susana Fernandez and Peter Bakker, Ana Paulla Braga Mattos presented about the community Kalunga, located in GoiásBrazil. The study on the language spoken in Kalunga was the topic of Ana Paulla’s PhD project. You can find the thesis here 

Ana Paulla Braga Mattos PhD course presentation about Kalunga

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Brazil Studies Academic Excellence Abroad Fri, 04 Aug 2023 12:19:26 +0000 At the occasion of the joint conference ACBLPE and GELIC 2023, Libolo, Angola, Ana Paulla Braga Mattos (Aarhus University) and Márcia Santos Duarte de Oliveira (University of São Paulo) presented about the Portal de Variedades de Português (PVP).

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Brazil Studies

Academic Excellence Abroad

Book release Novas Dinâmicas do português: o Brasil e a África Atlântica

Ana Paulla Braga Matttos presents her academic achievements abroad

In July 2023, the book Novas Dinâmicas do português: o Brasil e a África Atlântica was launched in Libolo, Kwanza Sul, Angola. Many of the authors were present at the event, including Ana Paulla Braga Mattos, from Aarhus University 

At the occasion of the joint conference ACBLPE and GELIC 2023, Libolo, Angola, Ana Paulla Braga Mattos (Aarhus University) and Márcia Santos Duarte de Oliveira (University of São Paulo) presented about the Portal de Variedades de Português. PVP is an ongoing project to build a database on Portuguese Varieties spoken around the world. The conference was a success.

You can read a bit about it on this blog post written by Peter Bakker (Aarhus University), who also attended the conference.

Conference ACBLPE and GELIC 2023

Ana Paulla Braga Mattos and Márcia Oliveira were also invited to give a talk about the Portal de Variedades de Português (PVP) at the Lusitanistentag 2023. It will take place this September in the charming city of Zwickau, Germany. Among different sessions on Portuguese language and thematic sessions on Brazil, there will be an exhibition at the main library on “A Popularização da Política de Saúde na Era Vargas (1930-1954)”, organized by Ricarda Musser, Iberoamerikanisches Institut SPK, Berlin. 

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