Global Studies

Brazil Studies

Academic Excellence Abroad

Book release Novas Dinâmicas do português: o Brasil e a África Atlântica

Ana Paulla Braga Matttos presents her academic achievements abroad

In July 2023, the book Novas Dinâmicas do português: o Brasil e a África Atlântica was launched in Libolo, Kwanza Sul, Angola. Many of the authors were present at the event, including Ana Paulla Braga Mattos, from Aarhus University 

At the occasion of the joint conference ACBLPE and GELIC 2023, Libolo, Angola, Ana Paulla Braga Mattos (Aarhus University) and Márcia Santos Duarte de Oliveira (University of São Paulo) presented about the Portal de Variedades de Português. PVP is an ongoing project to build a database on Portuguese Varieties spoken around the world. The conference was a success.

You can read a bit about it on this blog post written by Peter Bakker (Aarhus University), who also attended the conference.

Conference ACBLPE and GELIC 2023

Ana Paulla Braga Mattos and Márcia Oliveira were also invited to give a talk about the Portal de Variedades de Português (PVP) at the Lusitanistentag 2023. It will take place this September in the charming city of Zwickau, Germany. Among different sessions on Portuguese language and thematic sessions on Brazil, there will be an exhibition at the main library on “A Popularização da Política de Saúde na Era Vargas (1930-1954)”, organized by Ricarda Musser, Iberoamerikanisches Institut SPK, Berlin. 

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