Global Studies

Brazilian Studies

at Global Studies

Degrees and Opportunities

Brazilian Studies offers both a BA that focuses on Brazil with references to Portugal, the former colonizer, as well as other former colonies, such as Angola and Cape Verde. Courses also situate Brazil in the South American context, since the country borders every country on the continent except for Chile and Ecuador. The courses combine history, anthropology/sociology, geography and linguistics in an in-depth area studies programme providing solid theoretical and applied knowledge which reflects the diversity of the region. Brazilian Studies includes the teaching of Portuguese as the most prominent modern language of the region. In fact, intensive language learning coupled with a course on a current developments in Brazil as well as an introduction to the history of the country fills the first propaedeutic year.

Subsequently, you will be prepared for a semester abroad in Brazil (4th sem). Students can choose in between mega-cities of São Paulo or Rio de Janeiro, the historical, Afro-centric city of Salvador, Florianópolis, the city of beaches, Porto Alegre, the city of European immigrants, or the more provincial university city of Juiz de Fora. The central feature of the exchange program is an immersive experience that facilitates the language learning. In the following semesters the focus broadens to include, for example, the politics in the region and research methodologies, while other mobility opportunities further enable face-to-face interactions and help to get first-hand knowledge of the region through a study semester at a partner university or internship in Brazil.


While the BA takes the region as a starting point for the studies, the Master level (GLAS – Global Area Studies) broadens and deepens the understanding of the region by relating Brazil to other regions and countries in the Americas and globally, especially Japan, China, Russia and India. Bringing in a comparative and global dimension facilitates understanding dynamics in and beyond Brazil. Students are equipped with skills and competences to conduct research in the region as well as internationally and to utilize the expertise to work in teams – be it in companies or international organisations. If you are curious to find out more, have a look at detailed information on the programme structure, admission requirements and career opportunities for B.A. Brazilian Studies and M.A. Global Area Studies.

Partners and Activites

Teaching programs

Brazilian Studies is well connected with partner universities, research networks, NGOs in Denmark, Europe and globally. We actively engage with Brazilian and European partner universities through research networks, such as REBRAC (European Network of Brazilianists Working in Cultural Analysis) and CEBRAP (Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning), as well as through bilateral agreements enabling student mobility and research collaboration. Our partners include prestigious universities such as USP (University of São Paulo), UFBA (Federal University of Bahia in Salvador), UFRGS (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in Porto Alegre), UFSC (Federal University of Santa Catarina in Florianópolis), UFJF (Federal University of Juiz de Fora) and PUC-Rio (Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro).

Current research projects

Current research projects focus on migrant presence and storytelling in Brazilian cities, Brazil and Latin American environmental histories and politics and the variability of the Portuguese language across the globe. All of these projects engage specifically with Brazil, but also take a global perspective.




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