Research Seminar
"Forms of Play"

We hosted the second Research Seminar on Play, organized under the research programs Cultural Transformations and Global Studies, on November 3rd.
The seminar focused on ‘Forms of Play’ is several different fields of practice, all conceptualizing the forms of which the playful virtuality and fictionality of the real may take.
We were happy to welcome the following speakers and their contributions:
· Nicolle Lamerichs, Media Studies, HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht
– Playful Consumption: Co-creating Play, Participation and Activism in Fan Culture
· Hanna Wirman, Digital Design, IT University Copenhagen
– Political Activism and Games: Hong Kong 2019-20 Protests
· Peter Boenisch, Dramaturgy, AU
– Performing the Post-Internet Condition: Playing with Contemporary Subjectivity
· Jesper Juul, Game and Production Design, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts
– Play and the problem of Rational Players
· Noa Vaisman, Anthropology, AU
– Play as refusal and the search for play after justice
· Matthias Stephan, English, AU
– Literary Play – Imagination, Speculative Fiction, and the Climate

Thank you to all of the speakers, as well as all of the participants.