In Defence of Europe: Pro-Ukraine activism and mobilization across Eastern Europe
On 8-9 June 2023 in King’s College London (KCL) a two-day workshop, “In Defence of Europe: Pro-Ukraine activism and mobilization across Eastern Europe”, took place. The workshop was organized by King’s College London (Adam Fagan) and the University of Belgrade (Filip Ejdus, Nemanja Džuverović), and sponsored by the European University alliance Circle-U, a network of nine universities including Aarhus University.

Scholars from different universities, i.e. Aarhus University, University of Belgrade, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, King’s College London, Masaryk University, etc. met to share their research results on civil society mobilization around the war in Ukraine across post-communist Europe, from the Baltics to the Balkans. Keynote speech by Milada Vachudova on Fighting for Freedom and Democracy: Ukraine’s Challenge to Europe shed light on what steps are awaiting Ukraine to enter the European Union and highlighted enormous bravery and heroism of the Ukrainian nation.
The results of the workshop, implemented in articles, will be submitted as a special issue to East European Politics and presented at the 2023 Belgrade Security Conference.